You will remember that yesterday I told you how, on Christmas Eve, my sisters and I were sitting by our Christmas tree when a family arrived leading a sheep as a thank you present for my father, who had saved the life of their child. The story continues ….
After many kind salaams the family departed, leaving us with the animal and our parents decided to put it into the garage for the night. On Christmas morning we took it out of the now messy garage and tethered it to a tree on the lawn.
Later that day, after carol singing around the hospital wards, attending church and sharing Christmas dinner with various people my mother had collected up, an arrangement was made for the hospital chaplain, Reverend Galliwango, to come and collect it. He was delighted and would share the feast with his family.

My mother often reminded us of this event and loved to tell her grandchildren of the day these visitors had become to us just like the shepherds in the nativity story.