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Are you ready for God‛s party?

Do you remember on 1st December I said that Advent is a time to look for Jesus? Did you find him amongst all the other things that...

Today is the Winter Solstice

Today is the Shortest day in 2020. Daylight lasts for just 7 hours 49 minutes and 42 seconds. We have to wait until June 2021 for the...

Make a Strawberry Santa

You will need: Large strawberries Banana slices Whipped cream or ricotta Chocolate chips Instructions: Cut off the strawberry leaf Cut a...

As easy as ABC

The Nativity in 26 words by Tom Impress your family by learning this by heart and saying it on Christmas Day! At Bethlehem Christ...

Christmas Sparkle!

A Christmas Sparkle Trail opens in Bisley tomorrow! Wrap up warmly and come and enjoy lots of lovely decorations in windows and gardens!...

Caesar Augustus

A little while before Mary’s baby was due to be born it was announced that it was time for a census to be taken in the region. The Roman...

Christmas around the world…

Somewhere Hot – Barbados Christmas lunch in Barbados isn't complete without a baked ham decorated with pineapple, a rum cake, and Jug...

Answers – Christmas word game

3 letters arm art cam cat ham hat him hit mar mat ram rat sat sir sit tic 4 letters arms arts cats chit hair...

Christmas word game

How many words can you make from the word CHRISTMAS Each word must have at least 3 letters and you can only use each letter once. Don‛t...

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Revd Sue Murray

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